English / Theatre of objects / +12 years old
A light glimmers in the house. The day begins. The hand draws a straight path on the table, which curves and becomes steep, unfolding in tangled strokes across the entire city.
Coming to a halt, the stroke reaches the end of its journey. The environment is so damp that fish could jump in through the windows. The House marches, alone, with its candles full of wind.
"M.A.R" explores object manipulation through a choreographic performance of the body using work materials; objects which are gathered around the construction of a particular space: a home.
Two stories are intertwined in this work; the story of a family household, alongside a technical-poetical reflection on spaces and their meaning. A discourse across space that builds upon the following premises: "Architecture is the stage of life.
A journey through materials, such as wood, paper, photographs, daily tools, drawings… which, transferred to a physical practice of distinct movements, develop into a thinking space in constant motion..
(Fira Titelles Lleida, 2021)
(Fira Titelles Lleida, 2021)
BEST SHOW (Festival Ovar, Portugal, 2021)
BEST SHOW (Festival Titermurcia, Spain, 2019)